This is for the ladies,i just have to share my handbag habits with my lovely readers,that's if there is anything called handbag habits in the first place.
.You see,i i don't have a fetish for bags really,i don't buy bags the way i buy cloths or shoes,i don't know why,i just don't see the need for it,and i do get bags as gifts more often than not ,lets just say i am not the bag type.And here's the reason,even after buying a new bag,i find it so difficult changing and transferring stuff from my old bag,i don't know if i am making sense,call it laziness on my part,buy hey,i am the type that carries one bag for a duration of months,i am not that inclined towards changing bags to match different outfits like ladies are generally expected to do lol,but that's just me.If only i can love bags the way i do shoes or say clothes for instance.Left to me all the Hermes bags in this world would not sell because i am not easily impressed by bags,do not get me wrong,i admire them alot on people,but i am not crazy about those items at all.
Another habit of mine which i have tried to curb is almost always forgetting to carry purses,i would just take my handbag,even for parties,but yea,it's unladylike(common Ajibola!) so i try as much as possible to remember i own purses anytime i am going for functions.I must admit they make dressing complete most times.
So ladies and gentlemen,what's your take on bags?Do u feel a bag should be changed often or for people like us who do not see it as a big deal,should we just maintain the status quo,let me know.ciao!
My dear carrying matching handbags gives a classy look to ladies but babe's u don't won't to change a bag and later realise ur wallet was in the old one! #fashion#turn#to#Gobe#!
fiyin spot on!you tend to forget important items in the old bag,abeg i am comfortable with my one nation,lol
Am not the bag kinda person but over the years I have grown to love bags. Aspa transferring my stuffs,datz not hard cos I don't always carry too many petty intems....though there are days you would have left important stuffs in the former bag and it hurts so bad especially when you need them!!!!
Lol@one nation
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