Hello blog readers, its that time to rev up our vocabulary skills, one vocab a day makes you a good speaker/writer lol.
However today I just want to enumerate some English words that has Latin roots or evolved from Latin. Due to the Romanization of England in the 5th century, many Latin words found their way into the English vocabulary especially religious or canonical terms.
It is instructive to note that Most English words are borrowed from other languages till they are Anglicized.
We use most of this words on a day to day basis, so we are familiar with them. Here are some words with Latin roots:
Dominion Village
Communion Suburban,Subterrain
Pastor Latitude
Omen Casino
Requiem Fame
Tenet Estate.
There are over a thousands words such in English as the ones listed above. We shall be looking at the etmology of other words in subsequent posts.
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