Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Happy New Year People,It is such a wonderful feeling to be alive,hale and hearty,to be surrounded by loved ones,to be able to savor  this very moment.Seeing another year is such a big deal,it is a privilege not to be abused. It is the start of a fresh beginning. It is the time to put behind you the baggage of 2016,the mistakes  made and lessons learnt are all part of a process that will propel us to higher heights.I believe this so much and so should you.

Like me,I don't  know if you can actually feel the goodness of 2017 in the atmosphere, it is so contagious.It promises to be a good year.I know new year resolutions are hardly adhered to,I however know that you can set certain goals and start working towards them.Make conscious efforts at doing those things you have always promised you wanted to do.I for one started taking long walks,as a form of exercise,I started late December and I hope to keep it up.That project you want to embark on,now is the time  to start.Get that form for that certification  you have always had your eyes on.Learn that trade. Just do it!

This year is also one where we should take our health and spirituality  seriously. Rememeber health is wealth.Take your well being seriously and let us also move closer to our maker,the end is near,if you are a non believer, the weirdness in the world is enough to convince one.Also basically God is all we really need.I wish us all the best in this new year and please keep reading Bibiires blog and kindly send your feedbacks.

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