Monday, January 16, 2017


The title of this post is Akin to Alcohol Anonymous Group,it is a support group for Alcohol addicts.

How much of a hoarder are you?Are you addicted to hoarding things? I am not talking about hoarding Fuel or scarce items needed by the public the way some Nigerian traders do.I am talking about hoarding personal effects , finding it hard to let go of some things in your possession.

Family and friends that know me well  have tagged me to be an old woman for a long time now as they believe only an old woman can keep things the way I do.

Of course I do give out items like cloths and shoes from time to time,but there are just some items that I have sentimental attachments to.I hardly throw away books for instance and by books I don't mean texts,Biographies  or novels,(that can never happen,those cannot be thrown away or even given out).I mean Papers,notebooks ,greeting cards and all.It got to a point whereby I realized I still had my junior Secondary School notes,that was when it dawned on me that I needed to change a bit.So i did away with them albeit reluctanlty..I always believe something might be useful,like the hook to earrings,extra buttons, hair accessories ,just name it.And some of these items have come to be handful so many times.

I still have one or two cloths I wore over ten years ago,I might just not lke to let  go of them.The Choker neckpiece I am wearing in the picture attached above was sent to me by my elder sister who resides in the UK some 15 years ago If not more.Now Chokers are back in vogue and guess who is rocking her vintage piece! I call all these kept things my collectors item,perhaps there would be a museum for them one day and they would be auctioned and sold to the highest bidder.Not too tall a dream,anything is possible.

I still have the 'slum book' filled by my friends in secondary school,most of my University notes are neatly arranged.I can go on and on about stuff that I still own,especially if they are quality items.Oh by the way, the scissors I took to boarding house as a year one junior student is still with me,I hardly use it,but it is safely kept, probably for future references(remember the museum?). Who knows.

I guess I am not the only one with this obsession or habit,kindly share some of the most ridiculous items you have ever kept.

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