Friday, February 24, 2017


I was going through an old newspaper today looking for a particular article and i was quickly prompted to write this post .

The very first day I paid my husband a visit whilst still dating,I noticed he bought newspapers and this endeared him more to me. You would think he owns a private jet,the way I retorted to a few persons close to me,especially  my Step mum that  my boyfriend  (now husband) buys newpapers,I was filled with so much joy ,oh the sheer pleasure of  meeting someone who has certain interests as you..As weird as it sounds,it made me feel good.I know of several individuals who like to read but cannot be bothered about  buying the dailes even though they can afford it,they would simply  tell you it is a waste of money (Although they would be the first to ask you to borrow them 'today's' paper,my dad calls such people Members of the  Free Readers Association ).

 Coming from a home where my father made it a habit to always  buy up to three different dailies per day ,i have aquired the knack or penchant for reading  newspapers everyday. So you can understand why I was elated, seeing someone who shares the same enthusiasm ,that was very attractive to me as at that time,because i love me a man who is always abreast with issues. That is where the similarities end however.My husband believes once you are done reading the news items for the day you toss the paper away or quickly give to someone that needs it.The horror! You cannot just toss a Newspaper away,one might still need to make reference to some articles at some point,I would argue.

Now,sequel to the post I did on being a hoarder,I didn't complete it by writing about my penchant for keeping or hoarding Newspapers.I am convinced this particular habit is hereditary.  If you have a chance of peeping Into my Father's study, you would find Newspapers of twenty years neatly stacked.

Therefore,to my chargrin,the fact that my husband cannot stand the heap or lack of space caused by keeping these papers,as a matter of fact the sight of a day old Newspaper almost irritates him,except he hasnt found time to read it.This has made him  the toast of the neighbourhood woman selling  Akara,the woman who roasts  Boli and a host  of other traders who needs to sell their wares with newspapers.You can only imagine the way our vendor was rebuffed by him when the vendor mentioned 'Madam make I dey bring City People Magazine come too every Tuesday'?

Consequently, I have deviced a means of  just removing one or two pages of articles and columns  that I find interesting for keeps,instead of keeping everything..although it is still so hard to let go.


Prime Woleitics Limited said...

Interesting article, my father too used to do the same but these days u get online papers and the sorts;,, and even bibiire's blog.

Technology has really made papers a cliché, even though the papers still have in-depth information's and articles.

Sad to say; the habit of keeping papers was one our fathers found useful to them, funny thing is that google has made us all lazy and life easier.

Thanks bibiire for this post, better testimony that you found your true love from there.

Oluwole Oyebajo. RSS 2001.

Unknown said...

Thanks for reading Wole,indeed the internet has made most of us lazy,however I am grateful the newspaper industry is still thriving contrary to popular opinions.