Thursday, May 14, 2015


I have been following the Ben Murray Bruce story or should I say his tweets since he declared his stance against corruption and his plans as soon as he resumes as a Senator at the Nigerian Hallowed Chambers..

The senator Elect promised to champion the cause for reduction in salaries of our law makers and since then all hell has been let loose. He has been attacked on social media from all sides. His personal life, public life his business ventures, just name it has been put under serious scrutiny.

People seem to be unhappy that he wants to be at the forefront of the anti wasteful spending crusade, hence the barrage of insults flying at him from all directions. And which is what prompts me to ask this singular question that what do Nigerians want?

I thought he was going to get a lot of support and applause especially from activists on Twitter and Facebook alike, but no, Murray's stance has been turned into a political affair. They feel because he belongs to the erstwhile ruling party PDP,he has no right to call for a change. This is the CHANGE which most Nigerians clamored for ,but they do not want to hear it from the person of Ben Bruce,reason being his membership of the PDP.

He has been castigated and his name dragged through the mud. Let us take time to remain unbiased and see that he means well for the polity. We need austerity measures in place, if change is going to work and that is all the man is asking for. The era of wasteful spending must end. There must be equal opportunities for everyone. No elective post should be seen as a money spinner henceforth in our dear country. The ostentatious lifestyles of lawmakers must be curbed. And methinks these are all what Ben Bruce has been trying to pass across. So let us be gentle on him, see his remarks for the good intentions they carry and reduce the mudslinging.


chincobee said...

The day I got to know the salaries these people are being paid I was like WTF.How can people be this mean and heartless?

Unknown said...

not funny at all,how can they be so lavish