Thursday, December 10, 2015


As a mother,we never pray or want to imagine our children falling ill.It is simply not the best of times.Babies,toddlers cannot express their thoughts or really explain what is wrong with them.Even some adults find it difficult,so you can imagine when a little one falls sick. You mind starts running haywire,you start getting scared unnecessarily even if it is ordinary flu.

The worst thing is when the doctor suggests that one's child should be hospitalized. Even though it is for the best,the feeling that overwhelms one is an unpleasant one.From pricking the skin to find veins so that can pass IV to actually sleeping on the hospital bed is draining.

Luckily for me,my daughter who has been down with fever ,hence the hospitalization is one strong girl.Infact in her Children's ward,she is the one singing and making other parents  and patients laugh. I thank God because it shows that her illness is not severe.She has tried several times to remove the injection with which the drip is being passed to her body,scary isn't it?

As I said earlier, she is responding well to treatment,but with  that being said,I cannot wait for us to go back to the comforts of our home.I don't think there is anyone who likes to be around hospitals other than to come in,receive your treatment and go back to your house.

Feel free to share your experiences of having your child in the hospital. Cheers!

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