Tuesday, October 13, 2015


I wanted to phrase the headline as,My Quest to ELIMINATE Rice intake,but I said to myself Bibi don't decieve yourself,just start small.After all the journey of a thousand miles,start with a step.

You see,I am one of those people who would take white Rice for Breakfast, and another variant,Jollof rice or Ofada for lunch,the deliciousness of the Jollof sold near my office does not help matters. While I believe it is good to watch one's weight and all,I must admit I am not a fan of this 'fitfam' fad.

I will be documenting or should I say chronicling my Rice eating challenge here on the blog,if I slip I will inform you my readers.I am aware Rice is a major culprit in aiding all the unwanted calories.I really now want to curb my intake of the food,if I can start with maybe thrice a week(I am being realistic here),I think its ok.I love rice so much and this is going to be a challenge.

However,I am celebrating a victory today over Rice.I went to that restaurant I mentioned earlier,the smell of their jollof rice was already wafting through my nose.As soon as I entered,the lady selling informs me that it will take almost five minutes for the rice to get ready,on a normal day,I can wait for twenty minutes just to have my fill of their Jollof rice,I have waited in the past,but here I was ordering moi moi(which I do not really fancy) fifty naira plantain,vegetable on the side and of course meat.

My menu looked weird to me,I have never ordered for such in a place where rice is sold,I guess this is the beginning of good things to come.

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