Thursday, August 3, 2017


Thought I loved Catalina and Sebastian till AIT started showing Second Chance. To say I was obsessed would be putting it mildly.
8PM was the time then and I would make sure I was seated, glued to the TV. The storyline was and is still very intense, i wouldn't mind binge watching Second Chance again, given the chance. I even did a research on the Actors' real lives. The beautiful  woman who played the evil antagonistic wife sadly died of cancer some years back.

These Telenovelas are always well written. The plot are Intricately woven, it has a way of making the viewer get carried away and fall in love with his/her favorite character. I love the way the Hubris element eventually plays a huge role towards the finale in most  Telenovelas.

I can relate to those addicted to Telemundo, you simply cannot go back once you are engaged in a gripping and intriguing Telenovela. You would want to see what becomes of the Villan or Protagonist in the end.

So, which was your favorite and are you currently following any on Telemundo?

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