Tuesday, May 9, 2017


No news seem to have excited Lagos motorists lately as the news of VIO being ordered out of the roads by the State Governor.

The reasons for the excitement are not farfetched. The VIO, a vehicle inspection organization has turned themselves to demigods on the roads. They carry our their job with a level of visciousness that makes people wonder if there is more to it than meets the eye. Once a motorist is found wanting, even for the minutest detail, no Jupiter can release him/her from their grips.

While it is understandable that the organization's officials are doing their job as they were ordered to and while motorists are urged to have valid papers in order to avoid being charged by VIO Officials.

It seem road users are not given a breather in Lagos State. From Police stops to FRSC officials, LATSMA and then VIO, there are just too many forces drivers are wary of.
 Which is why Lagosians see this order as a welcome development.

1 comment:

Prime Woleitics Limited said...

Shao!!! I really happy about this. Lesser stress on the streets of Lagos.