Tuesday, May 16, 2017


You read up on certain issues and not only does your fingers get too numb to type but you are actually lost for words, as the words totally fail you.

Therefore it is imperative that i join my voice alongside other Nigerians that are demanding for Justice on behalf of the late Chisom Anekwe who was  negligently killed in her prime by a so-called Specialist hospital here in Lagos.

It is sad that the Nigerian system in this age of advanced medicine still has to battle with high maternal mortality rates. It is one of the absurdities the nation is plagued with. Most of us have often times heard bizarre stories relating to child birth in this country.

Going forward, we urge Professional health care bodies like the Nigerian Medical Association to call some of their members to order in terms of cases relating to negligence. When we read about the NMA in the papers, it shouldn't be about their supremacy battles with Pharmacists! In as much as it cant be denied that there are some very good Doctors, it however seem as though the bad apples in the system are competing in order to outweigh the good ones.
Cases of  negligence are  outrageously high and they need to be curbed. Also tales we hear about some innately evil Nurses is a story for another day.

Nigerian women, pregnant and yet to get pregnant are speaking with one voice, pregnancy shouldn't terminate lives, women shouldn't die cheap deaths in a bid to bring forth new life!  We demand justice for Chisom.

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